Happy Valentines Day my love
From my heart this comes to you.
My life you have made so happy
And filled it with love so true.

The sun it shines much brighter
The moon has a softer glow.
The rain it dances so gently
And it's all from your love I know.

Don't need a Valentines box of candy
Or a card with words so sweet.
Just your kiss and loving arms around me
Nothing else could ever compete.

Your eyes they say it all
As they sparkle and they shine.
I'm overwhelmed with love and happiness
To know that you are all mine.

You've wrapped my heart in tenderness
Covered it all in lace.
And packed your love around it
Then showered it all with grace.

You're my delicious box of chocolates
My hearts and flowers a ton.
You're a gift from God so special
And my heart you truly won.

So much I have to be thankful for
From a list where do I start.
But the one that is most important
Is your love inside my heart.
~© Shirl Robideau ~