I have heard this question many times and answers there are many.
But one thing that I know, solutions there are not any.
For the reasons are so varied and wide,
And some are hidden deep inside.
The mother who was left alone to raise the family solo,
Such worries and problems and no place to go.
They pray and pray Lord let me do right by them,
But life is strange and the plant has many stems.
Reasons are many and complex to say the least.
And loneliness can be an awful beast.
A mother tries and does the best she knows how,
And the mistakes she makes she pays for now.
Parents are not born knowing what is best,
And every day is just another test.
She loves them and she tries,
But she is blamed for many things and this is why she cries.
To do it over would be a wonderous dream,
But life just isn't like that or so it would seem.
A mother hopes deep in her heart for forgiveness one sweet day.
But until then she will cry no matter what you say.
© Avis Fishel Perry

This poem was sent to you not to make you cry,
but to bring a smile to your face and let you
know someone is thinking about you and sends
you best wishes for a wonderful Mother's Day!
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