There were seven that left our nation, today.
Your life will add meaning and forever stay.
All those years have floated by
Since our last tragedy in the sky.
Our nation seemed to forget about your plans.
We didn't even know a mission was taking place.
We buried our heads in the sand.
Hearts are breaking, as we feel the loss.
We are in a haze and touched,
And tragedy leaves us in a daze.
Left all alone will be Fathers,
Mothers, wives, and little tikes.
Yes, the United States and all the world
Mourn for the 'Seven' and families, alike.
Your dedication, your hearts,
And love will be missed.
We gather in prayer and give
Your family a hug and a kiss.
You were gone sixteen days,
Sixteen minutes away from home.
In Heaven, now, you all will roam.
We will be searching for
Answers and reasons why
The Columbia Shuttle
Exploded in the sky.
We ask for Space and Science
Research to live on. For the
'Seven's' honor we must pay homage.
For, now they are gone.
Copyright © 2003 by Nancy Hoback
For the Seven who died February 1, 2003

In Memory of Space Shuttle Columbia Astronauts
Commander Rick Husband
Pilot William McCool
Payload Specialist Ilan Ramon
Payload Commander Michael Anderson
Mission Specialist David Brown
Mission Specialist Laurel Clark
Mission Specialist Kalpana Chawla