I Found Christmas

Standing in the checkout line,
My attitude getting worse.
I had no more patience left
And very little money in my purse.
People were pushing and shoving,
And taking stuff out of my basket.
I had lost my Christmas spirit
And I didn't even try to mask it.
It was then I saw the little girl
Paying for a red haired dolly.
But, it was what happened next
That turned Christmas from sour to jolly.
She told of how she'd been here, once,
To buy medicine for her mother.
She had hoped to have enough left
For something for her and her brother.
Daddy doesn't send any money.
So, Mama says toys are out.
Right then, I seemed to remember
What Christmas was all about.
The lady said there's not enough
For your dolly and this car.
I stepped in and said, "Check again.
You're wrong. I know you are."
I winked at her and she caught on.
Then, she counted the money, again.
"You're absolutely right," she said.
And, I saw the little girl grin.
She was so happy she almost cried.
And, as I paid for the little toys,
I knew that I had found Christmas
Inside a small child's joys.
Copyright © 2002 by Claytia Doran
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